
Amethyst is the purple variety of Quartz and has one of the longest histories as a healing crystal. 

Amethyst is used very often as a meditation stone and can help to quiet the mind from distractions and increases intuition. It can encourage clarity, focus, and awareness.

Amethyst necklaces


The name Aragonite dates back to 1797, from the town Molina de Aragón in Spain. It crystalizes amongst others structures into beautiful flowers.

It is said to gently move us into balance and show us how to find and keep our center.  Aragonite can radiate good energy in all directions.

Aragonite necklaces


Galena is a sleek, silvery mineral.
It can be used for self-transformation and to help open our minds to being more than what we have been; to embrace and be curious about new beginnings. 

Galena necklaces


Hematite is a shiny silvery mineral and the most important ore for Iron.

It is said to be a wonderful grounding stone, especially during stressful situations. It can have a strong and mature energy, often used to help connect one back to the body.

Hematite necklaces


Lepidolite is a gorgeous purple muscovite. 
It sparkles with mica and is an ore for lithium. It is often used for balancing our emotional highs and lows and helps us be more steady.

Lepidolite necklaces


Malachite has a long history of being used as a mineral pigment in ancient green paints.

Malachite is known to be an important protection stone and helps draw out negative energies from the body. It is said to balance mood swings and heal cramps.

Malachite necklaces


Pyrite is a sulfide mineral that shimmers with a similar brilliance as gold, one of the most precious metals.

This stone is used for self-realization and the quest for enlightenment in this life. It is a protective stone whose primary purpose is to help us gain a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Pyrite necklaces


Quartz amplifys the energy of other crystals and can be used for many healing purposes.  It helps us find our own energy and power for our intentions, goals, affirmations and manifestations.

Quartz necklaces

Rose Quartz:

This pink crystal evokes unconditional love and compassion. It’s believed to emit a strong vibration of love, joy and emotional healing.

Rose Quartz necklaces


Silicon is the second most available element after oxygen found in the earth’s crust.

Silicon can carry energies of improved communication and the agility of thought. It energetically purifies your spirit, body, and mind.

Silicon necklaces


The Zeolite group is very diverse in their crystal habit.  There are about 45 natural minerals that are recognized members of the Zeolite Group. 

Zeolites are said to help purify, remove negative energy and bring in happiness.

Zeolite necklaces